
Houzz Idea Book of the Week

Its that time of the week again for my Houzz Idea Book of the Week. You know I love Houzz; its my go to resource for design inspiration although it is now in competition with Pinterest - my new fave inspiration site(maybe I'll need to start a Pinterest Inspiration of the week..he he).

This week I've been drawn to this post on Patios. In Australia we are really big on decks, everyone builds a deck to the back of their houses for their outdoor entertaining space and Patios are well a bit 70's. But of late I've begin to fall back in love with the humble Patio and am planning a Patio project for the back of our new house once its built (Frame going up today will post on the progress soon).

So this weeks Houzz Ideabook of the week is a little bit of Patio eyecandy and inspiration.





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