
Attitude for Gratitude #2

Time for my weekly gratitude post:

Source: etsy.com via Lauren on Pinterest

I’m grateful that my kids are still innocent enough to believe in the Easter Bunny. My 4 year old swears she spoke to him when he came Saturday night and she said “Please” and “Thankyou” and told him where to leave the eggs.

I’m grateful that if you want to work then there are opportunites out there; they may not always be exactly what you want but when it’s crunch time you can get work.

And having said the above I’m grateful I have a husband who will do anything.

I’m grateful for nature, truly I am but a little less floating cobwebs outside in the sky would be nice please.

I’m grateful for the unseasonally nice weather we are having, gorgeous clear sunny days that you can still wear short sleeves in and be comfortable. Usually turned colder by now.

I’m grateful for all the chocolate I have consumed in the past week. (And now its time to get on the diet bandwagon)

I’m grateful that I’m fairly slim by nature, a little bit of a kickstart helps every now and then.

I’m grateful my daughter reminds me of the practical everyday. Today I said to her maybe instead of going to kinder AND childcare you could just go to childcare to make it easier for mummy, her reply “but you haven’t got your photo yet!” – they are working on Mothers Day present s which is a photo of her and myself together. So practical!! Why didn’t I think of that. Lol

As for my 3 year old son I’m grateful he is so cute because he is soooo naughty!



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